Aerial_Survey_Flooding_Kenya_May_2024_Report Cover Letter

Aerial Survey Flooding Kenya Report

Briefing Paper

May 12, 2024

Executive Summary

The MAM (March-April-May) rains in Kenya have unleashed unprecedented floods, inflicting widespread devastation and humanitarian crises across the nation. Lives have been lost, communities displaced, and critical infrastructure damaged, exacerbating existing vulnerabilities and
disrupting essential services. As of May 9th, the Kenya National Disaster Operations Center reported alarming statistics, including 267 fatalities, 188 injuries, and over 281,000 people displaced, highlighting the urgent need for comprehensive response measures.

In response to this dire situation, a collaborative aerial surveillance operation was launched by humanitarian partners, including MAF Kenya, ADS Central Rift, Dan Church Aid (DCA), and Scofield Associates Limited, targeting eight severely affected counties: Nakuru, Laikipia, Baringo, Samburu, Isiolo, Kitui, Meru, and Machakos. The primary objective was to conduct rapid assessments of flood-affected areas, delineate inundation extents, identify vulnerable communities, and assess the severity of the crisis. Leveraging state-of-the-art aerial technology, such as high-resolution cameras and aircraft, the surveillance initiative provided invaluable real-time visual data, facilitating targeted response efforts and informed decision-making.

The aerial survey revealed alarming conditions, particularly around Lake Baringo, where breached banks submerged surrounding areas, leading to widespread flooding and significant property damage. In addition, overflow from dams along the Tana River, including Kiambere, Gitaru, and Masinga dams, posed imminent threats to adjacent communities, necessitating urgent intervention to mitigate potential disasters. Furthermore, evidence of landslides in Kijabe, Kiambu County, and overflow from Lake Naivasha underscored the widespread impact of the floods, warranting immediate action to address critical needs and protect vulnerable populations.

Moving forward, the response effort should prioritize four key areas of action:

1. Donor Support: While government has invested in response, these responses are limited. As shown by the aerial surveillance, the situation is dire. This report calls for financial and material support from donors to fund critical response initiatives, sustain ongoing relief operations, and enable the implementation of targeted interventions. Adequate funding is crucial for scaling up emergency response efforts, addressing immediate needs, and facilitating long-term recovery and resilience-building initiatives. By engaging with donors and effectively communicating the urgency and impact of the situation, we can mobilize resources and support to address the most pressing needs of flood-affected communities.

2. On-Ground Assessment: While the aerial survey provide image based insights on the realities in the counties, a comprehensive on-ground assessments is required for an accurate evaluation of the impact of the floods, identify priority needs, and inform decision-making processes regarding resource allocation and intervention strategies. A timely and accurate assessment of the situation on the ground is critical for
understanding the evolving needs of affected populations, prioritizing response efforts, and ensuring the effective utilization of resources. By deploying assessment teams to affected areas and utilizing data-driven methodologies, we can gather actionable insights to guide targeted interventions and maximize the impact of response initiatives.

3. Strategic Interventions: The report also proposes the implementation of targeted measures to address immediate needs, enhance community resilience, and expedite recovery efforts in flood-affected areas. Strategic intervention involves the deployment of tailored response initiatives to address specific needs identified through on-ground assessments and stakeholder engagement processes. By strategically allocating resources and implementing evidence-based interventions, we can mitigate the impact of the floods, protect vulnerable populations, and support communities in their journey towards recovery and resilience building.

4. Stakeholder Engagement: This aerial survey contributes to the importance of stakeholder engagement and collaboration in development interventions. While this is a start, the report recommends continued engagements and collaborative partnerships, to ensure coordinated rapid response efforts to the needs in the communities. Effective stakeholder engagement is essential for harmonizing response activities, avoiding duplication of efforts, and maximizing resource utilization. By fostering collaboration and information sharing among stakeholders, we can leverage collective expertise, resources, and networks to address the multifaceted challenges posed by the floods.

Through focused efforts in these four key areas, we aim to optimize the effectiveness of our response efforts, enhance coordination among stakeholders, and deliver timely and impactful assistance to those in need. By addressing immediate needs while laying the groundwork for long-term resilience building, we can contribute to the sustainable recovery and well-being of flood-affected communities in Kenya.


Aerial_Survey_Flooding_Kenya_May_2024_Report Cover Letter

Aerial Survey Flooding Kenya Report


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