Thank You to Our Partners & Clients

Articles & Insights

October 07, 2024

Customer Service WeeK October 2024 - Web Post
At Scofield Associates, we are constantly reminded that our impact is only possible through the unwavering support of our partners and clients. As we celebrate Customer, Client, and Partner Service Week, we take this opportunity to extend our sincere gratitude to each of you for your partnership and trust in our work.

We begin by expressing our heartfelt thanks to the US State Department for their support through the Community Together Initiative (CTI). This initiative has been pivotal in enabling us to address pressing issues around peace and security. We look forward to continued collaboration to serve communities and ensure impactful change in the years ahead.

To DAI, who led the implementation of the USAID-funded NIWETU program, your partnership on the Isiolo CVE Index was truly remarkable. This project not only helped map out strategies but also sparked critical conversations about measuring progress in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (PCVE). Thank you for your vision and trust in Scofield Associates.

We also extend our deep appreciation to the partners who entrusted us with conducting critical evaluations over the past year. A special thank you to Act Kenya for allowing us to complete the endline evaluation for the Secure Project; to Search for Common Ground (SFCG) for the opportunity to work on the Inuka Project Baseline, focusing on Kenya’s coastal counties. Each of these projects was an opportunity for growth and learning, and we are truly honored to have contributed to your success

To the Netherlands Embassy, wee are deeply thankful to the Netherlands Embassy for their support on our year-long research addressing critical conflict issues in Kenya. Your unwavering commitment to peace and stability has been instrumental in shaping our work. We are excited about the possibility of future collaborations and continued partnership to strengthen communities across Kenya.
A heartfelt thank you goes to the Jesuits Hakimani Center for engaging us in the endline evaluation of your Climate Smart Water Governance Project, funded by FCDO. The dedication to sustainable water management solutions has had an enormous impact on communities, and we are grateful to have played a role in documenting this important work.
Our deep appreciation goes to the National Democratic Institute (NDI) for your support on our research focused on PCVE in Kenya. The contributions of this work reached beyond Kenya, influencing the direction of PCVE planning and implementation in Niger. We are proud of the outcomes and look forward to continued collaboration.

To the Life and Peace Institute, we are grateful for your partnership on research and learning related to PCVE. Through the discourse analysis of PCVE strategies and action plans, our joint efforts resulted in valuable recommendations that have informed revisions to policy and implementation frameworks across the Horn of Africa. Your dedication to peacebuilding is inspiring.

To our partners in the Government of Kenya, including the National Police Service, Judiciary, Kenyan Parliament, NCTC, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Defence, and many others, thank you for your continued support and collaboration. Your leadership and commitment have been vital in addressing national security challenges and fostering peace across the country.

We are equally grateful to our partners from civil society and academic institutions, including WISE, Yaden, KACPEN, University of Nairobi, USIU, and NACOSTI. Your engagement and thought leadership have greatly enriched our work, and we look forward to continued learning and growth together.

Finally, we owe our deepest gratitude to the communities we work with across Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, and Rwanda. Your resilience, trust, and collaboration drive our mission and remind us daily of the importance of the work we do. Without you, none of this would be possible.

As we celebrate Customer, Client, and Partner Service Week, we wish each one of you continued success, growth, and fulfillment in your endeavors. Thank you for your invaluable contributions to our shared mission. Together, we have made a difference, and together, we will continue building a better future.
Warmest Regards,
Scofield Associates