Occupational Health & Safety Policy


January 11, 2022

At Scofield Associates (SA), we are committed to driving an occupational health and safety (OH&S)   culture by developing and applying effective systems, standards, and practices that are appropriate to the risks and opportunities associated with our business activities.

We care for people. A safe and healthy working environment is provided to each employee, consultant, and visitor. Management involvement is crucial in driving an initiative-taking health and safety culture at all locations where employees, consultants, and visitors conduct business activities on behalf of Scofield Associates. We wholistically share the responsibility to achieve the highest standards of OHS performance, and we will all strive to provide the same.

We deliver our OH&S policy program through a structured implementation of the occupational health and safety assessment and an adherence to the Occupational Safety and Health Act, No. 15 of 2007 and revised in 2010. The Act provides for the safety, health, and welfare of employees and all persons lawfully present at the workplace. This policy aims to provide and maintain a healthy and  safe working environment by eliminating hazards, reducing health and safety risks, and raising awareness among employees, contractors, visitors, and others who may be affected by business-related activities.

Our commitment to providing a healthy and safe working environment supports the following health and safety principles:

  1. Provide an environment where work-related health and safety risks are controlled to  prevent injuries and occupational
  2. Implement an effective OHS management program integral to ongoing business activities, which will:
    • Identify, assess and control OHS risks and opportunities from known causes of occupational injuries and ill health associated with workplace processes and working environments.
    • Ensure that all employees, at every level of the organization, understand and are committed to implementing SA’s OH&S policies and practices.
    • Provide a mechanism for the consultation and participation of employees and their representatives on OHS related activities.
    • Develop employee OHS competency through effective training and leadership at all levels in the organization. This is in line with section 99 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.
    • Subject OHS systems, procedures, and performance to internal and external audits and validation.
    • Investigate the causes of work-related injuries and ill health and take actions to prevent recurrence.
    • Align the requirements of OHS with all other business disciplines and ensure that they are subject to performance measurement and continuous improvement programmes.
    • Set annual measurable OHS objectives for all operations, and at group level, to ensure OHS culture, continuous improvement, and compliance with requirements.
    • Communicate and share successful practices and lessons learned from incidents, to continually raise awareness and act preventively.
    • Provide and maintain a working environment for every person employed that is safe, without risks to health, and adequate as regards facilities and arrangements for the employees’ welfare at work.
    • Inform our employees of any risks from innovative technologies and imminent danger.
    • Ensure that every person employed participates in the application and review of safety and health measures.
    • Take immediate steps to stop any operation or activity where there is an imminent and danger to safety and health, and to evacuate all persons employed as appropriate.
    • Register our workplace unless exempted from registration under the Act.

Every Scofield Associates (SA) employee at every level and in every function in the organization is responsible for the successful implementation of this policy and the related programmes.

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